

Etsy Shop Feature: Printable Wisdom

So I've been a little MIA for a while, but I'm hoping to make regular blog posts starting very soon! Some very good things are happening lately regarding my Etsy shop and my design career! Stay tuned for details...

My Etsy shop was featured on Ashley's blog, Printable Wisdom a while back and realized that I loved her Etsy Shop as well.

Here is a little interview with Ashley:

Tell me a little about yourself! What are your hobbies, etc?
My name is Ashley, and I live in Houston with my husband, our dog, Bonnie, and our Cat, Pye! I graduated from college with a biology degree and am in medical school right now (almost done with my second year!). I plan on going into pediatrics after graduation. I love reading (the classics, along with whatever new book I find at the store!). We love exploring the city and finding new restaurants and places to watch Texas Music shows and go dancing (two-stepping is our specialty).

Tell me about your Etsy shop. How did you get started in your craft and what made you decide to sell on Etsy? Do you sell anywhere else?
My Etsy shop specializes in printables! Printable artwork, scripture, quotes, invitations, gift tags, stationery… if you can print it I’ll probably end up carrying it in my shop! I had always created artwork and typography to hang in my own home, and loved creating invitations for family and friends. When I discovered Etsy while planning my own wedding, I knew it was a place my designs would fit perfectly! It’s been a great experience and my business has taken off in a way I never could have expected. I recently began selling on society6 ( where you can find my designs on a variety of products.

What is your favorite thing to create?
I love drawing my custom home portraits… I draw them on my iPad and import them to my computer. Every home has a different character and different things that are important to the family. I love including those details to surprise my customers. Each portrait is so unique and I love seeing how they turn out!

Where do you get your inspiration?
Everywhere! I get inspiration for my scripture prints from Bible verses I have read lately or ones that have a lot of meaning for me at certain times in my life. I love browsing Pinterest for new quotes and color combinations.

Do you have a favorite listing in your shop?
This changes daily! Right now my favorite is this one: , mostly because I just recently started selling clip art in my store and I really am anxious to see what people think of it! It’s always a little scary to add something totally new!

How has your business evolved since you first started out?
I never could have believed my shop would have so many followers and people who enjoyed my designs. I started out hoping to make enough to pay one bill a month (cable or electricity). Now, my goal is to pay rent each month! I don’t always meet it but I love the challenge! I started out selling only scripture and quote printables. I’ve branched off in lots of different directions since them, some more successful than others. I love thinking of the next thing to add to my shop!

What tips do you have for others interested in opening an Etsy shop or starting a small business?
Really plan it out before you start. I worked on creating designs for 4 months before I opened a shop with my first 50 designs, and probably would have done better to wait longer. I’ve changed my logo and branding at least 5 times since I opened and I wish I had that all set up before opening. Branding is really important on Etsy and in the business world and you definitely want to be consistent.

How do you see your business growing in the future?
I plan on adding more and more to my Etsy shop in the future, and expanding my line on Society6 ( . I’d love to see that shop take off as well!

You can find Ashley on these social media sites:

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